Great News!

The team at Mitrata woke up to a most excellent surprise this morning.  Our foundation has been nominated for the Travel Blogging Calendar 2013 project! Twenty charities from around the world have been chosen for this nomination, and users can visit the TBC website and vote for their favorites.  Twenty four travel bloggers from around the world are collaborating on a set of calendars to be printed soon - all sales proceeds will go to the charity who receives the most votes!


We are thrilled to have been nominated for this wonderful cause.  The news really inspired the team at Mitrata and reminded us that hard work DOES pay off, a message that we are continually trying to pass on to our children.  What a fine example!  We haven't told the kids yet, but there's no doubt this will bring big smiles to their faces.


Thanks so much and God Bless all of our supporters!  Please help us out by visiting and voting for Mitrata-Nepal!

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